Belonging, one of our six core values is at the heart of Carefully.
"Belonging aims to create a sense of unity and connection, ensuring that everyone feels they are part of a compassionate and caring community."
We want to highlight the importance of belonging and community, which are critical as American parents battle 'The Loneliness Epidemic.'
Carefully is helping parents and caregivers fight back by providing them with the tools to create inclusive and judgment-free spaces and fostering communities where everyone feels welcome. This month, we shine the spotlight on a community member, Taneil Boerner.
Community Spotlight: Taneil Boerner

Taneil Boerner is a stay-at-home mom of three wonderful girls, aged 7, 5, and 3.
She created a babysitting club three years ago that feels like family to her and she currently babysits part-time and loves to plan free kid and mom events in her community.
As an active chamber board member and farmer's market volunteer, Taneil is dedicated to creating a sense of belonging for all. (You can't see it, but Taneil wears an invisible cape and swoops in to help parents in her community find the courage to connect.) Six years ago, she began her blog, Serenity Now, to share insights on faith, motherhood, and her hobbies. An avid outdoor enthusiast, Taneil enjoys gardening, kayaking, biking, and walking.
Her latest endeavor involves collaborating with her church to repurpose an unused preschool space for community use.

We love having Taneil as part of our Carefully Community and appreciate her taking the time to talk about over coming fear, building trust, and creating deeper connections.

What do you love the most about being a parent? What’s your biggest struggle as a parent?
Taneil: I love how much I've learned and grown as a person. I believe parenthood has taught me to be confident in who I am.
My biggest struggle as a parent is that once you feel you have something figured out, your kids change and throw a whole new challenge for you to address.

What inspired you to start the Belleville Wisconsin Moms Community? Can you tell our readers more about the work you’ve done?
Taneil: I was not the mom who started this group, so I won't take credit for it. However, I joined my friend in promoting the group in our community and have since planned dozens of different free ongoing and one-time events for caregivers and kids. Some events: kids clothing swap, Christmas toy swap, toy loan, picnics in the park, book walk & talk, mom mingle, Be You Mama.
What inspired me was my need for community once I had children and lost my job. What keeps me inspired is just one person who expresses how thankful they are for any of the events I host.

What’s one thing you love about the Carefully app, and can you share a challenge you overcame using it?
Taneil: I've recently left Facebook because of the extra clutter it brings. I was trying hard to find a new way to still do what I love.
Carefully was exactly what I was looking for!
My challenge was getting people to join my large group, but once word got around about the events I was hosting my group has started to grow.
Also, I just keep sharing!

What does community mean to you?
Taneil: Community feels a lot like family to me- a place to feel welcomed, safe and supported.
"Community feels a lot like family to me- a place to feel welcomed, safe and supported."

You've built an incredible community at a time when many parents are feeling alone and isolated. What do you believe are the key elements in fostering genuine connections among community members?
Taneil: I try hard to get out of my comfort zone by introducing myself to people I don't know and then inviting them to an event in the community.
If you truly love and care about your community it's easy to share. I want others to enjoy what I feel so blessed to have!
"Belonging can be given in such simple ways- a simple hello, waving to people or introducing yourself to someone, inviting someone on a walk or your trip to the store. It doesn't have to be big, but your still providing something to a community that we all benefit from."

Asking for help and being vulnerable can be challenging for many parents. How do you encourage and support parents in your community to open up and seek help when they need it? Can you share any specific instances where vulnerability led to stronger bonds?
Taneil: Until you build trust with others, it's hard for people to feel safe, so planning group events has led many moms to find their people.
I'd say covid led parents to desperately need more community. After the worst of COVID was over, my babysitting club built great bonds with our small group that have changed over the past 3 years.
Yet we created a community of moms that know each other well and have shared many sorrows and joys together.

For parents and caregivers seeking to build or find a sense of belonging in their communities, what practical advice would you offer?
Taneil: Belonging can be given in such simple ways- a simple hello, waving to people or introducing yourself to someone, inviting someone on a walk, or your trip to the store. It doesn't have to be big, but you are still providing something to a community that we all benefit from.

Is there anything you’d like to share with the Carefully community?
I feel strongly that this app has huge potential. I like simple, and Carefully is it! Take a leap and create a new group.
Also, my babysitting club has had a huge impact on this season of my life and I'd love to share how easy it can be to use the Carefully app to run one.

Thank you, Taneil for all the amazing work that you are doing for your community and for inspiring other parents to find the courage to connect!

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Download the Carefully app and sign up.
It's that simple!